HEI Annual Conference 2025

HEI's next Annual Conference will be held on Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown in Austin, Texas.


This page is a list of publications in reverse chronological order. Please use search or the filters to browse by research areas, publication types, and content types.

Displaying 1 - 100 of 348. Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page.

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Selected Health Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution

Health Effects Institute
Special Report 23

This comprehensive scientific review examines the evidence for associations between several adverse health effects and traffic-related air pollution (TRAP). The review, the largest of its type to date, was conducted by a panel of 13 renowned experts who evaluated 353 published scientific reports on traffic pollution and related health effects between 1980 and 2019.

Impacts of Vehicle Emission Regulations and Local Congestion Policies on Birth Outcomes Associated with Traffic Air Pollution

Perry Hystad
Mary Willis
Elaine Hill
David Schrank
John Molitor
Andrew Larkin
et al.
Research Report 223

This report presents a study led by Perry Hystad of Oregon State University. Hystad and colleagues examined whether reductions in traffic-related air pollution were associated with improved birth outcomes in Texas from 1996 to 2016.

Cardiometabolic Health Effects of Air Pollution, Noise, Green Space, and Socioeconomic Status: The HERMES Study

Ole Raaschou-Nielsen
Aslak H Poulsen
Matthias Ketzel
Lise M Frohn
Nina Roswall
Ulla A Hvidtfeldt
et al.
Research Report 222

This report presents a study led by Ole Raaschou-Nielsen of the Danish Cancer Institute. The research team investigated four traffic-related air pollutants (fine particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ultrafine particulates, and elemental carbon), noise, and green space in relation to cardiometabolic health in 2.6 million adults in Denmark.

Assessing the National Health, Education, and Air Quality Benefits of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s School Bus Rebate Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial Design

Sara D Adar
Meredith Pedde
Richard Hirth
Adam Szpiro
Research Report 221

This report presents a study led by Sara Adar of the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. Adar and colleagues conducted a thorough accountability study of a program for replacing old diesel school buses with new, lower-emitting buses across the United States.

Air Pollution in Relation to COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality: A Large Population-Based Cohort Study in Catalonia, Spain (COVAIR)

Cathryn Tonne
Otavio Ranzani
Anna Alari
Joan Ballester
Xavier Basagaña
Carlos Chaccour
et al.
Research Report 220

This study evaluated associations between exposure to outdoor air pollution and risk of hospital admissions, disease severity, and death related to coronavirus disease among 4.6 million adults in Catalonia, Spain, in 2020.

Birth Cohort Studies of Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution in Early Life and Development of Asthma in Children and Adolescents from Denmark

Marie Pedersen
Shuo Liu
Zorana J Andersen
Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen
Jørgen Brandt
Esben Budtz-Jørgensen
et al.
Research Report 219

This report presents a study led by Marie Pedersen of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Pedersen and colleagues examined children’s asthma in four Danish cohorts and focused on exposure to an array of air pollutants, including fine particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and combinations of those pollutants.

Estimating Model-Based Marginal Societal Health Benefits of Air Pollution Emission Reductions in the United States and Canada

Amir Hakami
Shunliu Zhao
Marjan Soltanzadeh
Petros Vasilakos
Anas Alhusban
Burak Oztaner
et al.
Research Report 218

This report presents a study that estimated potential health benefits associated with reducing emissions from transportation and other sources at locations across the United States and Canada. Amir Hakami of Carleton University, Canada, and colleagues estimated the improvement in fine particulate matter concentrations and how many fewer deaths would be expected if fine particulate matter, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced.

Long-Term Exposure to Outdoor Ultrafine Particles and Black Carbon and Effects on Mortality in Montreal and Toronto, Canada

Scott Weichenthal
Marshall Lloyd
Arman Ganji
Leora Simon
Junshi Xu
Alessya Venuta
et al.
Research Report 217

This report presents a study that assessed associations between long-term exposure to outdoor ultrafine particles (UFPs) and black carbon with mortality using several modeling approaches. The investigators applied exposure models developed through mobile monitoring in Toronto and Montreal to 1.5 million Canadian adults residing in both cities.

Annual Report 2023

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2023

This annual report, Science in Service to Community, summarizes the significant progress HEI made during 2023 on the goals laid out in its Strategic Plan for 2020-2025.

Read the Report

Scalable Multipollutant Exposure Assessment Using Routine Mobile Monitoring Platforms

Joshua Apte
Sarah E Chambliss
Kyle P Messier
Shahzad Gani
Adithi R Upadhya
Meenakshi Kushwaha
et al.
Research Report 216

This report presents the results of a study led by Joshua Apte of the University of California, Berkeley, a recipient of HEI’s Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award. Apte and colleagues evaluated the use of mobile monitoring for several air pollution mapping and exposure assessment applications.

Chemical and Cellular Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species from Secondary Organic Aerosols in Epithelial Lining Fluid

Manabu Shiraiwa
Ting Fang
Jinlai Wei
Pascale SJ Lakey
Brian CH Hwang
Kasey C Edwards
et al.
Research Report 215

This report presents the findings of a study led by Manabu Shiraiwa of the University of California, Irvine, a recipient of HEI’s Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award. Shiraiwa and colleagues evaluated the mechanisms of aerosol-induced reactive oxygen species formation by two pathways in the respiratory tract: by chemical reactions  and by immune cells called macrophages.

Long-Term Exposure to AIR Pollution and COVID-19 Mortality and Morbidity in DENmark: Who Is Most Susceptible? (AIRCODEN)

Zorana J Andersen
Jiawei Zhang
Youn-Hee Lim
Rina So
Jeanette T Jørgensen
Laust H Mortensen
et al.
Research Report 214

This report presents a study that evaluated whether there is an association between exposure to outdoor air pollution and the risk of COVID-19 incidence, hospitalization, and mortality in a cohort of 3.7 million Danish adults.

Ambient Air Pollution and All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in an Analysis of Asian Cohorts

George S. Downward
Roel Vermeulen
Research Report 213

This study by Dr. George S. Downward and Dr. Roel Vermeulen from Utrecht University, the Netherlands, addresses a clear research gap by leveraging harmonized data from the Asia Cohort Consortium, a large multicenter collaborative research effort in Asia that began in 2008.

HEI Update Spring 2023

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI's quarterly Update, read about:

  • New members of the HEI Board and scientific committees
  • The launch of HEI’s Environmental Justice Program
  • A new report on air quality and health impacts in Africa
  • Two recently launched studies on non-tailpipe emissions

...and more!


Annual Report 2022

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2022

Insights that Endure: Investing in Science for Lasting Impact summarizes the significant progress HEI made during 2022 on the goals laid out in its Strategic Plan for 2020-2025.

HEI Update Fall 2022

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about:

  • HEI’s comprehensive new scientific review on traffic-related air pollution
  • An HEI study assessing health effects at very low air pollution levels in Canada
  • A new inclusive summer fellowship
  • Our successful hybrid Annual Conference 2022

…and more!


Characterizing Determinants of Near-Road Ambient Air Quality for an Urban Intersection and a Freeway Site

H Christopher Frey
Andrew P Grieshop
Andrey Khlystov
John J Bang
Nagui Rouphail
Joseph Guinness
et al.
Research Report 207

This report presents a study led by H. Christopher Frey of North Carolina State University in Raleigh. The investigators measured six air pollutants (nitrogen oxides, ultrafine particles, black carbon, fine particles, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone) near a freeway and in an urban area.

Mortality–Air Pollution Associations in Low-Exposure Environments (MAPLE): Phase 2

Michael Brauer
Jeffrey R. Brook
Tanya Christidis
Yen Chu
Dan Crouse
Anders Erickson
et al.
Research Report 212

This report presents a comprehensive HEI study examining potential health risks from low levels of air pollution exposure in millions of Canadian citizens. Michael Brauer at The University of British Columbia and his colleagues combined satellite data, air monitor sampling, and atmospheric modeling to estimate outdoor PM2.5 exposures across Canada from 1981 to 2016.

Update Spring 2022

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, learn about a major HEI study finding health effects at low levels of exposure to air pollution in the United States; our upcoming Annual Conference; new members of the HEI Board and Research Committee; and more.

Annual Report 2021

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2021

During 2021 we made significant progress on our ambitious goals ― from a stronger focus on the air quality–climate connection, to our Global Health research, to a deeper understanding of accountability and the health outcomes that result from air quality actions. Read about our progress in the new HEI Annual Report.

HEI Investigators' Guide. Preparing the Final Report

Health Effects Institute
Guide for Authors
The Investigators' Guide contains important information for HEI-funded investigators who are getting ready to write the Final Report for their study. The Guide introduces HEI's review, editing, and publication process and lists requirements for submission of the report. The Guide also contains detailed instructions on reference and text styles, tables and illustrations, and submission of electronic art.

Below are the Complete Guide and individual Guide Parts, including submission checklists.

Associations of Air Pollution on the Brain in Children: A Brain Imaging Study

Mònica Guxens
Małgorzata J. Lubczyńska
Laura Pérez-Crespo
Ryan L. Muetzel
Hanan El Marroun
Xavier Basagaña
et al.
Research Report 209

Research Report 209 presents a study by Mònica Guxens of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and colleagues. The team used new neuroimaging technology to assess the possible relationship of air pollution exposure during pregnancy and childhood with brain outcomes in children. 

Assessing Adverse Health Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low Levels of Ambient Air Pollution: Implementation of Causal Inference Methods

Francesca Dominici
Antonella Zanobetti
Joel Schwartz
Danielle Braun
Ben Sabath
Xiao Wu
Research Report 211

Research Report 211 presents a major HEI study by Dr. Francesca Dominici of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and colleagues. The investigators examined the risk of mortality associated with exposure to low ambient air pollution concentrations in a cohort of 68.5 million older Americans. 

Update Winter 2022

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about new experts on HEI's scientific committees; a key global health study assessing the burden of disease from major air pollution sources; research funding opportunities, a New Investigator study examining air pollution and brain development in children; and more!

Global Burden of Disease from Major Air Pollution Sources (GBD MAPS): A Global Approach

Erin McDuffie
Randall V Martin
Hao Yin
Michael Brauer
Research Report 210

Research Report 210 presents a study conducted by Dr. Erin McDuffie and Dr. Randall Martin of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Michael Brauer at The University of British Columbia in Canada, and colleagues. The investigators produced the first comprehensive global estimates of contributions from the most common sources of air pollution to people’s exposure to fine particles and to the world’s burden of disease from various causes.

Update September 2021

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about a major HEI study in Europe that found evidence of health effects at low levels of air pollution; a new Board Chair; our first-ever Director of Science Communications; steps HEI is taking toward diversity, equity, and inclusion; the launch of new studies on wildfires and the effectiveness of air quality policies, and more.

Mortality and Morbidity Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low-Level PM2.5, BC, NO2, and O3: An Analysis of European Cohorts in the ELAPSE Project

Bert Brunekreef
Maciej Strak
Jie Chen
Zorana J Andersen
Richard Atkinson
Mariska Bauwelinck
et al.
Research Report 208

Research Report 208 presents a study by Bert Brunekreef at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, and colleagues examining associations between exposures to relatively low levels of air pollution below the current EU standards and several health outcomes among participants in 22 European cohorts. 

Social Susceptibility to Multiple Air Pollutants in Cardiovascular Disease

Jane E Clougherty
Jamie L Humphrey
Ellen J Kinnee
Lucy F Robinson
Leslie A McClure
Laura D Kubzansky
Colleen E Reid
Research Report 206

Research Report 206 presents a study led by Dr. Jane Clougherty at Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University. Clougherty and colleagues examined whether associations between community- and individual-level cardiovascular disease events and ambient air pollutants vary by social stressors.  

Update Spring 2021

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about a newly published HEI study suggesting health improvements from the 2006 California Goods Movement Plan; our very successful Virtual Conference webinar series in April and May; important transitions in HEI Communications; an HEI New Investigator study on mechanisms of lung injury by ozone; a two-day workshop on air pollution and health in Southeast Europe; and more.

Improvements in Air Quality and Health Outcomes Among California Medicaid Enrollees Due to Goods Movement Actions

Ying-Ying Meng
Jason G Su
Xiao Chen
John Molitor
Dahai Yue
Michael Jerrett
Research Report 205

Research Report 205 presents a study led by Ying-Ying Meng and colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles, examining the impact of the 2006 California Goods Movement Plan on air quality and healthcare utilization among adults with chronic health conditions who were enrolled in California’s healthcare program for low-income individuals (Medi-Cal).

Novel Mechanisms of Ozone-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation and Resolution, and the Potential Protective Role of Scavenger Receptor BI

Kymberly Gowdy
Brita Kilburg-Basnyat
Myles X Hodge
Sky W Reece
Valery Yermalitsky
Sean S Davies
Jonathan Manke
Michael L Armstrong
Nichole Reisdorph
Robert M Tighe
S Raza Shaikh
Research Report 204

Research Report 204 presents a study led by Dr. Kymberly Gowdy of East Carolina University (now at Ohio State University) and colleagues in which they evaluated how acute exposure of mice to ozone affects initiation and resolution of the inflammatory response in the lung.

Update Winter 2021

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about Ellen Mantus, the new HEI Director of Science; HEI’s timely and targeted 2021 Virtual Conference (Sign Up Now!); five HEI studies underway on COVID-19, air pollution, and health; a transition in HEI’s Global Health program… and more!


Annual Report 2020

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2020

The HEI Annual Report for 2020, Valuing Science, Informing Decisions, describes how HEI provides high quality, impartial, and relevant science to inform public policy on air quality and public health. The report highlights HEI’s latest achievements and initiatives.

Update Fall 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about the release of State of Global Air 2020; HEI’s progress on promoting inclusion; our prominent role in virtual international meetings on exposure science and epidemiology; and more!

Update Summer 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about two new HEI Board members; HEI’s formal response to EPA’s proposed transparency rule; a new chair for our Review Committee; HEI’s actions to promote diversity; a recently published Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator report on novel techniques to study VOC–ozone effects… and more!

Understanding the Functional Impact of VOC–Ozone Mixtures on the Chemistry of RNA in Epithelial Lung Cells

Lydia M Contreras
Juan C Gonzalez-Rivera
Kevin C Baldridge
Dongyu S Wang
Jamie CL Chuvalo-Abraham
Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz
Research Report 201

Research Report 201 presents a study led by Dr. Lydia Contreras at the University of Texas, Austin, who is a recipient of HEI’s Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award. Dr. Contreras and colleagues evaluated how exposure of lung cells to volatile organic compounds plus ozone affects oxidation of ribonucleic acid, a key component of cells. The study aimed to improve understanding of the biological mechanisms by which air pollutants can cause effects in human health, thereby expanding our knowledge of potential causal links between exposure and health.

Update Spring 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about the Institute moving ahead and staying connected virtually; a successful webinar series that replaced our 2020 annual conference; an eminent epidemiologist joining the Research Committee; publication of two new research reports; a change of leadership for HEI Science; and more!

Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 2. Effects of Personal and Ambient Concentrations of Ozone and Other Pollutants on Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function

David Q Rich
Mark W Frampton
John R Balmes
Philip A Bromberg
Mehrdad Arjomandi
Milan J Hazucha
Sally W Thurston
Neil E Alexis
Peter Ganz
Wojciech Zareba
Petros Koutrakis
Kelly Thevenet-Morrison
Research Report 192, Part 2

Research Report 192, Part 2, describes the second part of the Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES), led by Drs. David Rich and Mark Frampton of the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York. Part 1 of the MOSES study, Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Ozone on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes, was published in 2017; Part 2 presents additional analyses.

Enhancing Models and Measurements of Traffic-Related Air Pollutants for Health Studies Using Dispersion Modeling and Bayesian Data Fusion

Stuart Batterman
Veronica J Berrocal
Chad Milando
Owais Gilani
Saravanan Arunachalam
K Max Zhang
Research Report 202

Research Report 202 describes a study led by Dr. Stuart Batterman at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and colleagues. The investigators evaluated the ability to predict traffic-related air pollution using a variety of methods and models, including a line source air pollution dispersion model and sophisticated spatiotemporal Bayesian data fusion methods.

HEI Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

Health Effects Institute
Strategic Plan

Effective April 1, 2020, HEI is launching its Strategic Plan for Understanding the Health Effects of Air Pollution for the coming five years, guiding HEI’s direction based on extensive input from sponsors, the scientific community, environmental organizations, and others. The Plan seeks to produce and advance timely and credible science to inform key decisions with one overarching theme: informing air quality and health decisions for 2020-2025…and beyond.

Update Winter 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about our upcoming Annual Conference in April; our search for the next HEI Review Committee chair; the launch of 11 new HEI studies — four evaluating the effectiveness of air quality actions, five aiming to improve exposure assessment, and two led by our 2019 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigators; and more.

Annual Report 2019

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2019

The 2019 Annual Report, A Window to Trusted Science, describes how HEI provides high quality, impartial, and relevant science informing public policy on air quality and public health, and continues its longstanding commitment to transparency.

Impacts of Shipping on Air Pollutant Emissions, Air Quality, and Health in the Yangtze River Delta and Shanghai, China

Yan Zhang
Junlan Feng
Cong Liu
Junri Zhao
Weichun Ma
Cheng Huang
Jingyu An
Yin Shen
Qingyan Fu
Shuxiao Wang
Dian Ding
Wangqi Ge
Freda Fung
Kethural Manokaran
Allison P. Patton
Katherine Walker
Haidong Kan
Special Report 22

Special Report 22 describes a study led by a team of investigators from Fudan and Tsinghua Universities, other Chinese research institutions, and HEI scientists Allison Patton and Katherine Walker, as part of HEI’s Global Health Program. The report provides an analysis of emissions from shipping and related activities and their impacts on air quality and health in the Yangtze River Delta and Shanghai.

Update Fall 2019

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s publication of two major reports evaluating the extent to which air pollution at low levels of exposure may have consequences for public health; a revised draft of our Strategic Plan for 2020–2025; a new epidemiologist appointed to the HEI Review Committee; the communication of HEI research at important government, industry, and scientific conferences; and more.

Assessing Adverse Health Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low Levels of Ambient Air Pollution: Phase 1

Francesca Dominici
Joel Schwartz
Qian Di
Danielle Braun
Christine Choirat
Antonella Zanobetti
Research Report 200

Research Report 200 describes the first-phase results of a study examining any association between exposure to low levels of air pollution — both PM2.5 and O3 — and all-cause mortality in a population of 61 million Medicare enrollees residing in the continental United States. The report also presents the detailed Commentary on the study by HEI’s Low-Exposure Epidemiology Studies Review Panel.

Mortality–Air Pollution Associations in Low-Exposure Environments (MAPLE): Phase 1

Michael Brauer
Jeffrey R. Brook
Tanya Christidis
Yen Chu
Dan Crouse
Anders Erickson
Perry Hystad
Chi Li
Randall V Martin
Jun Meng
Amanda J. Pappin
Lauren L. Pinault
Michael Tjepkema
Aaron van Donkelaar
Scott Weichenthal
Richard T Burnett
Research Report 203

Research Report 203 describes the first-phase results of a study evaluating the relationship between long-term exposure to low concentrations of PM2.5 and non-accidental mortality, including a characterization of the shape of the concentration–response functions, in a large population-based cohort (~9 million adults) in Canada. The report also presents the detailed Commentary on the study by HEI’s Low-Exposure Epidemiology Studies Review Panel.

Update Summer 2019

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s two new Board members; the protocol an expert HEI panel is following to review the literature on traffic-related pollution; a recap of our Annual Conference; a new report on household air pollution in Ghana; a visit with our sponsors and scientists in Japan; and more.

Update Spring 2019

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI presenting science and strategies at a major symposium on transportation, air quality, and health; the release of State of Global Air 2019; the continued progress of an HEI special panel reviewing the literature on traffic-related air pollution; a new staff member managing our digital communications; and more.

Contribution of Household Air Pollution to Ambient Air Pollution in Ghana: Using Available Evidence to Prioritize Future Action

HEI Household Air Pollution–Ghana Working Group
Communication 19

Communication19 describes a study led by HEI’s Ghana Working Group evaluating the contribution of household air pollution to ambient fine particle air pollution in Ghana, as well as its impact on health.

Understanding the Early Biological Effects of Isoprene-Derived Particulate Matter Enhanced by Anthropogenic Pollutants

Jason D Surratt
Ying-Hsuan Lin
Maiko Arashiro
William G Vizuete
Zhenfa Zhang
Avram Gold
Ilona Jaspers
Rebecca C Fry
Research Report 198

Research Report 198 describes a study by Dr. Jason Surratt and his colleagues evaluating the toxicity of fine particulate matter formed from the photochemical oxidation of isoprene in a chamber.

Cellular and Acellular Assays for Measuring Oxidative Stress Induced by Ambient and Laboratory-Generated Aerosols

Nga L Ng
Wing Y Tuet
Yunle Chen
Shierly Fok
Dong Goa
Marlen S Tagle Rodriguez
Mitchel Klein
Anna Grosberg
Rodney J Weber
Julie A Champion
Research Report 197

Research Report 197 describes a study led by Dr. Nga Ng to characterize and compare the oxidative properties of ambient particulate matter and laboratory-generated secondary organic aerosols in toxicologic assays.

Real-World Vehicle Emissions Characterization for the Shing Mun Tunnel in Hong Kong and Fort McHenry Tunnel in the United States

Xiaoliang Wang
Andrey Khlystov
Kin-Fai Ho
Dave Campbell
Judith C Chow
Steven D Kohl
John G Watson
Shun-cheng Frank Lee
Lung-Wen Antony Chen
Minggen Lu
Steven Sai Hang Ho
Research Report 199

Research Report 199 describes a study led by Dr. Xiaoliang Wang evaluating how mobile-source emissions have changed by examining real-world emissions characterization in two traffic tunnels: the Shing Mun Tunnel in Hong Kong and the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland.

Update Winter 2019

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update highlights a major new HEI study that measured progress on air quality in traffic tunnels, as well as two new HEI studies that examined secondary organic aerosols. Also in this edition, read about how we’re building our Strategic Plan for 2020–2025, our upcoming Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington, and more.

Annual Report 2018

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2018

The 2018 Annual Report, Promoting Dialogue, Building Trust, describes how HEI provides a balanced forum where diverse stakeholders find common ground to discuss HEI’s high quality, impartial, and relevant science informing public policy on air quality and public health. The report highlights HEI’s latest achievements and initiatives.

Update Fall 2018

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about two important new HEI studies underway; a plan to intensively review and publish initial findings on PM2.5 from our “Low Exposure Levels” research program; our search for investigators to conduct new accountability and exposure assessment research; announcement of the 2018 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award recipient; and more.

Update Summer 2018

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s recent testimony on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule; a recap of the 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois; a new HEI Communication assessing the evidence on health effects from household air pollution; progress in the new Energy Research Program; and more.

Household Air Pollution and Noncommunicable Disease

HEI Household Air Pollution Working Group
Communication 18

Communication 18 provides a critical assessment of the state of the science examining the linkages between household air pollution formed by the burning of solid fuels and noncommunicable diseases. The report updates previous systematic reviews with the most recent studies. It answers fundamental questions on the scientific basis for estimating health burden and what the evidence suggests about the exposure reductions necessary to achieve improved health outcomes. The Summary for Policy Makers, based on Communication 18, presents the main conclusions about exposures to household air pollution and about its contribution to noncommunicable diseases globally.

Update Spring 2018

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update highlights the report of a major new HEI study, Impacts of Regulations on Air Quality and Emergency Department Visits in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, 1999–2013, led by Armistead (Ted) Russell of the Georgia Institute of Technology; the public release of data from HEI’s major ozone study, the Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES); a new HEI panel conducting a literature review on the health effects of traffic-related air pollution; the publication of State of Global Air 2018; appointment of two new members to the Institute’s Board of Directors; a new chair of the HEI Research Committee; and more.

Developing Multipollutant Exposure Indicators of Traffic Pollution: The Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) Study

Jeremy A Sarnat
Armistead (Ted) G Russell
Donghai Liang
Jennifer L Moutinho
Rachel Golan
Rodney J Weber
Dong Gao
Stefanie Ebelt
Howard H Chang
Roby Greenwald
Tianwei Yu
Research Report 196

Research Report 196, Developing Multipollutant Exposure Indicators of Traffic Pollution: The Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) Study, describes a study by Dr. Jeremy A. Sarnat that evaluated single- and multipollutant metrics of exposure to traffic-related air pollutants near and farther away from a major highway in Atlanta, as well as biological markers in a panel of students.

Impacts of Regulations on Air Quality and Emergency Department Visits in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, 1999–2013

Armistead (Ted) G Russell
Paige E Tolbert
Lucas RF Henneman
Joseph Abrams
Cong Liu
Mitchel Klein
James A Mulholland
Stefanie Ebelt
Yongtao Hu
Howard H Chang
Talat Odman
Matthew J Strickland
Huizhong Shen
Abiola Lawal
Research Report 195

Research Report 195 describes a study led by Ted Russell at the Georgia Institute of Technology as part of HEI’s Accountability Research Program. Dr. Russell and colleagues examined the extent to which regulations targeting power plants and mobile sources in the Atlanta area were effective in improving air quality and ultimately reducing cardiorespiratory emergency department visits.

Update Winter 2018

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update highlights a major new HEI Special Report, Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India; three studies now underway to assess exposure to and health effects of traffic-related air pollution; and a new HEI Research Report on “Street Canyon” air pollution exposure modeling. Also in this edition, read about our upcoming Annual Conference; a recent meeting of diverse stakeholders hosted by HEI’s Energy Research Program; President Dan Greenbaum lending expertise to a National Academies “Grand Challenges” project; and more.

A Dynamic Three-Dimensional Air Pollution Exposure Model for Hong Kong

Benjamin Barratt
Martha Lee
Paulina Wong
Robert Tang
Tsz Him Tsui
Wei Cheng
Yang Yang
Poh-Chin Lai
Linwei Tian
Thuan-Quoc Thach
Ryan Allen
Michael Brauer
Research Report 194

HEI’s Research Report 194 describes a study led by Benjamin Barratt of King’s College London, United Kingdom, that developed a dynamic three-dimensional land-use regression model for Hong Kong and used it to estimate exposure to traffic-related air pollution.

Annual Report 2017

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2017

The 2017 Annual Report, A Voice for Accountability, describes the HEI model for delivering high-quality, impartial, and relevant science to inform public policy decisions about air quality and public health.

Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India

GBD MAPS Working Group
Special Report 21

Special Report 21, Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India, provides the first comprehensive analysis of the levels of fine particulate matter air pollution in India by source and their impact on health. Household burning emissions (contributing to outdoor air) and coal combustion are the single largest sources of air pollution-related health impact. Emissions from agricultural burning, anthropogenic dusts, transport, other diesel, and brick kilns also contribute significantly.

Update Fall 2017

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about the new ways HEI is making study data accessible; a literature review that HEI will soon initiate on the effects of exposure to traffic-related air pollution; two new members of the HEI Review Committee; and a newly published summary of an HEI expert workshop on the effects of fuel composition on particulate matter emissions.

Particulate Air Pollutants, Brain Structure, and Neurocognitive Disorders in Older Women

Jiu-Chiuan Chen
Xinhui Wang
Marc Serre
Steven Cen
Meredith Franklin
Mark Espeland
Research Report 193

Research Report 193 describes a novel study by Jiu-Chiuan Chen and colleagues examining possible associations between long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) and changes in the brains of older women in the United States. The study focused on brain volumes and neurocognitive outcomes, specifically mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Dr. Chen used neuroimaging and cognitive outcome data from women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study and estimated their exposure to ambient PM2.5 and to diesel PM.

Update Summer 2017

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about the Haagen-Smit Clean Air Leadership Award given to HEI President Dan Greenbaum by the California Air Resources Board, the two 2017 recipients of HEI’s Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award, and the progress of HEI studies examining potential health effects at low levels of air pollution. Also in this issue is a recap of HEI’s recent Annual Conference in Alexandria, Virginia.

Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 1. Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Ozone on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes

Mark W Frampton
John R Balmes
Philip A Bromberg
Paul Stark
Mehrdad Arjomandi
Milan J Hazucha
David Q Rich
Danielle Hollenbeck-Pringle
Nicholas Dagincourt
Neil E Alexis
Peter Ganz
Wojciech Zareba
Maria G Costantini
Research Report 192 Part 1

HEI Research Report 192 describes a multicenter study by John Balmes at the University of California–San Francisco, Phil Bromberg at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, and Mark Frampton at the University of Rochester, New York. The study was designed to test whether ozone has short-term cardiovascular effects at present-day ambient levels. It evaluated respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes in 87 healthy participants (60 years old on average) who were exposed to 0, 70, or 120 ppb ozone for 3 hours while exercising moderately.

Update Spring 2017

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s forthcoming publication of a major report, Multicenter Ozone Study in Older Subjects; the briefing of key legislators and stakeholders on HEI’s Accountability Research Program; and a forthcoming study examining potential links between air pollution and dementia in older women. This issue also highlights worldwide media coverage of HEI’s State of Global Air Report 2017.

Protective Role of Eosinophils and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α after Ozone Inhalation

Allison D Fryer
David B Jacoby
Sarah A Wicher
Research Report 191

Research Report 191 describes a study by Allison Fryer and colleagues that addressed how exposure to ozone affects the immune and physiological responses in guinea pigs. In her study, Dr. Fryer focused on eosinophils, white blood cells that play an important role in inflammation, allergies, and allergic asthma, and can modify the airway response to ozone inhalation. This study tested a novel hypothesis: that allergic guinea pigs react differently to ozone than normal animals because of newly formed eosinophils that migrate from bone marrow to the lungs.

Update Winter 2017

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s new “State of Global Air” annual report and website and our upcoming Annual Conference in Alexandria, Virginia (see the preliminary program). Also read about the recipient of the 2016 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award, the appointment of a new member to HEI’s Board of Directors, and HEI "Communicating the Science” at meetings in the U.S. and abroad.

The Effects of Policy-Driven Air Quality Improvements on Children’s Respiratory Health

Frank Gilliland
Edward L Avol
Rob McConnell
Kiros T Berhane
W James Gauderman
Fred Lurmann
Robert Urman
Roger Chang
Edward B Rappaport
Stephen Howland
Research Report 190

Research Report 190 describes a study by Frank Gilliland and colleagues that was funded under HEI’s Accountability research program. The investigators collected air quality data and lung function and respiratory symptoms in three cohorts of children who participated in the Children’s Health Study in Southern California. During the 20-year study period, nearly 20 major policy actions were implemented to reduce pollution from transportation and other sources. Gilliland and colleagues evaluated whether the improved air quality was associated with improved lung function and respiratory symptoms in these children.

Update Fall 2016

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update reports on a new study that explored the impact of Southern California air-quality regulations on children’s health; launch of the redesigned HEI Web site; new HEI Review Committee member Jennifer Peel; upcoming requests for applications; the sharing of HEI science at major Asian and European conferences; and HEI in the News.

Ambient Air Pollution and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Wuhan, China

Zhengmin Qian
Bin Zhang
Shengwen Liang
Jing Wang
Shaoping Yang
Ke Hu
Edwin Trevathan
Rong Yang
Qijie Li
Louise H Flick
Ronghua Hu
Zhen Huang
Yimin Zhang
Shixiang Hu
Jing Wang
Longjiao Shen
Yuan Lu
Hui Peng
Yuzhen Yu
Li Yang
Wei Chen
Wenjin Liu
Wei Zhang
Research Report 189

HEI Research Report 189 describes a study by Dr. Zhengmin Qian conducted in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province in China. Wuhan experiences temperature extremes and generally has higher air pollution levels than those seen in the United States and Europe. Dr. Qian examined whether increased exposures to air pollutants (particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone) during vulnerable pregnancy periods were associated with increased rates of preterm birth, low birth weight, or intrauterine growth retardation, using both a cohort and nested case-control design.

Burden of Disease Attributable to Coal-Burning and Other Air Pollution Sources in China

GBD MAPS Working Group
Special Report 20

Special Report 20, Burden of Disease Attributable to Coal-Burning and Other Major Sources of Air Pollution in China, provides the first comprehensive assessment of the current and predicted burdens of disease attributable to coal-burning and other major sources of particulate matter air pollution (PM2.5) in China at the national and provincial levels. It is the result of the Global Burden of Disease – Major Air Pollution Sources (GDB MAPS) project, an international collaboration of Tsinghua University, the Health Effects Institute, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), and the University of British Columbia. The analyses show that coal combustion is the single largest source of air pollution-related health impact, contributing to some 366,000 premature deaths in China in 2013, with industry and household combustion as major contributors as well. The report also indicates that health burdens could grow substantially by 2030 if no further action is taken. 燃煤和其他主要大气污染源所致的中国疾病负担 (Special Report 20 in Chinese)




专题报告20,燃煤和其他主要大气污染源所致的中国疾病负担。报告从国家与省级层面,对中国燃煤及其他主要空气污染源释放的细颗粒物(PM2.5)所造成当前及未来疾病负担进行了第一次综合评估。此项报告由清华大学、健康影响研究所、健康指标和评估研究所(IHME)与不列颠哥伦比亚大学联合发布,是全球疾病负担-主要空气污染源(GDB MAPS)这一国际合作项目的研究结果。分析表明,燃煤是造成空气污染、影响健康的最大元凶。2013年,仅燃煤一项在中国就导致约36.6万人过早死亡,其中以工业与民用燃煤影响最为重大。报告还指出,如不采取进一步行动,到2030年健康负担将会大幅增加。Burden of Disease Attributable to Coal-Burning and Other Air Pollution Sources in China (in English)

Adverse Reproductive Health Outcomes and Exposure to Gaseous and Particulate-Matter Air Pollution in Pregnant Women

Jun Wu
Olivier Laurent
Lianfa Li
Jianlin Hu
Michael Kleeman
Research Report 188

HEI Research Report 188 analyzes associations between increases in various air pollution exposure metrics and increased risks of preterm birth. Jun Wu was funded under HEI's Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award to conduct a comprehensive nested, case-control study of air pollution and adverse birth and pregnancy outcomes, using birth certificate data collected in California from 2001 to 2008. 

Update Summer 2016

Health Effects Institute

This edition of Update reports on HEI's presentation of GBD MAPS results at a major Chinese air pollution meeting; HEI's Annual Conference in Denver in May; two new HEI research reports on the effects of air pollution on birth and pregnancy outcomes; a meeting of the National Association of Clean Air Agencies at which HEI shared research results with diverse experts and regulators; and HEI's participation at a EPA Clean Air Act Advisory Committee meeting in June.

Ambient and Controlled Particle Exposures as Triggers for Acute ECG Changes

David Q Rich
Annette Peters
Alexandra Schneider
Wojciech Zareba
Susanne Breitner
David Oakes
Jelani Wiltshire
Cathleen Kane
Mark W Frampton
Regina Hampel
Philip K Hopke
Josef Cyrys
Mark J Utell
Research Report 186

Using data from four previously completed studies (two panel studies and two controlled-exposure studies), David Rich and Annette Peters and their teams investigated potential mechanisms behind the effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 and ultrafine particles on changes in cardiac rhythm, including heart rate variability and other ECG parameters.

Causal Inference Methods for Estimating Long-Term Health Effects of Air Quality Regulations

Corwin M. Zigler
Chanmin Kim
Christine Choirat
John Barrett Hansen
Yun Wang
Lauren Hund
Jonathan Samet
Gary King
Francesca Dominici
Research Report 187

HEI Research Report 187 was funded as part of HEI’s Accountability research program, aimed at understanding whether actions to improve air quality have resulted in improved health outcomes. Corwin M. Zigler and his colleagues used existing and newly developed statistical methods to assess whether an intervention was causally related to changes in pollutant levels or health outcomes, and applied their methods in two well-developed case studies: effects of air quality interventions to reduce PM10 concentrations in nonattainment areas and the impact of installation of scrubber technologies on emissions from coal-fired power plants.

Update Spring 2016

Health Effects Institute

This newsletter reports on a third study under way in Europe to complete the comprehensive HEI effort to examine the potential health effects of air pollution at low levels; HEI's new research program focusing on the health effects of exposure to traffic-related pollution; and the GBD MAPS team's presentation of preliminary data on coal’s impact on health in China. In addition, it covers the publication of two new research reports covering novel statistical methods for studying pollutant mixtures and a “direct” approach evaluating the impact of air quality interventions through “causal inference” methods, as well as the retirement of HEI's Aaron Cohen, a strategy session held with HEI's sponsors, and HEI in the news.

Modeling of Multipollutant Profiles and Spatially Varying Health Effects with Applications to Indicators of Adverse Birth Outcomes

John Molitor
Eric Coker
Michael Jerrett
Beate Ritz
Arthur Li
Research Report 183, Part 3

This report is Part 3 of HEI Research Report 183, Development of Statistical Methods for Multipollutant Research. It describes a study to develop and apply statistical methods to analyze the effects of multipollutant exposures on health, expanding beyond the two-pollutant approaches used in many studies to date. HEI funded three innovative studies in recent years to improve the tools for analyzing complex multipollutant exposures. In this last report from these studies, John Molitor and colleagues describe a Bayesian framework to identify spatial clusters of air pollution exposures — and other covariates such as socioeconomic status — and estimated pregnancy outcomes associated with those clusters, using a data set for Los Angeles county. 

Update Winter 2016

Health Effects Institute

The Winter Update newsletter features the upcoming HEI Annual Conference (sign up now!), a new member of the Review Committee, and a Global Burden of Disease Workshop in Mumbai, India, to calculate air pollution’s impact on global health. Also read about HEI’s study of changes in emissions in tunnels with the advent of new technology and HEI’s pending move to a new home.

Annual Report 2015

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report

The 2015 Annual Report – Vision 2020 - describes HEI’s partnership with scientists, government, industry, and the environmental community to provide high-quality, impartial, and relevant science to inform public policy decisions about air quality and public health. The report highlights the vision underlying HEI’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020 and outlines HEI’s contributions in the past year to important questions.

Analysis of Personal and Home Characteristics Associated with the Elemental Composition of PM2.5 in Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air in the RIOPA Study

Patrick H Ryan
Cole Brokamp
Zhi-Hua (Tina) Fan
MB Rao
Research Report 185

This report describes a study by Dr. Patrick Ryan at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. He used the RIOPA data – which HEI has made available to all scientists on the Web to further explore relationships among the elemental composition of indoor, outdoor, and personal PM2.5 samples collected at participant’s homes. His analyses included traditional and novel approaches to comparing the samples.

Executive Summary. The Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES)

Health Effects Institute
Communication - ACES

This Executive Summary of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES) summarizes the main findings of emissions and health testing of new-technology heavy-duty diesel engines capable of meeting US 2007/2010 and EURO VI/6 diesel emissions standards. The results demonstrated the dramatic improvements in emissions and the absence of any significant health effects (especially cancer). ACES was the most comprehensive examination done to date of engines meeting the US 2007 and 2010 on-road standards.

Diesel Emissions and Lung Cancer: An Evaluation of Recent Epidemiological Evidence for Quantitative Risk Assessment

HEI Diesel Epidemiology Panel
Special Report 19

Special Report 19 contains the intensive review and analysis of the newest studies of mine and truck workers exposed to older diesel engine exhaust conducted by an Expert Panel appointed by the HEI Board of Directors. In its report, HEI's Diesel Epidemiology Panel concluded that the studies are well prepared and are useful for applying the data to calculate the cancer risk due to exposure to diesel exhaust.

Update Fall 2015

Health Effects Institute

This newsletter reports on the approval of new HEI studies to examine potential health effects of low-level pollution; the completion of a review of diesel exhaust studies (Special Report 19) by an HEI-appointed panel; and WHO's plans to update global air quality guidelines. In addition, it announces the publication of an HEI report taking a closer look at exposure to PM2.5 and its composition and a report evaluating rapid heart rhythm changes after exposure to PM. HEI also announces the recipient of the 2015 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award and the appointment of three new HEI Research Committee members.

Strategic Research Agenda on the Potential Impacts of 21st Century Oil and Natural Gas Development in the Appalachian Region and Beyond

HEI Special Scientific Committee on Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in the Appalachian Basin
Strategic Research Agenda

Unconventional oil and natural gas development is a driving force behind significant economic and energy policy shifts in the United States and the world today. Technological advances in development are substantially increasing energy supplies, while at the same time outpacing the scientific research that can answer questions about the development’s potential effects.

Update Summer 2015

Health Effects Institute

This issue reports on the publication of an Executive Summary highlighting ACES new-technology diesel results, which describes significant improvements in new diesel engines; a conference showcasing HEI science and emerging research opportunities; interest worldwide in ACES findings; how HEI staff are communicating results; the status of the oil and gas research agenda being drafted by HEI; and the status of the MOSES testing of ozone study subjects.

Development of Statistical Methods for Multipollutant Research

Brent A Coull
et al.
Eun Sug Park
et al.
Research Report 183, Parts 1 and 2

This report contains two studies, by Drs. Brent A Coull and Eun Sug Park and their colleagues, and a Commentary discussing each study individually, as well as an Integrative Discussion of the two. 
Part 1. Statistical Learning Methods for the Effects of Multiple Air Pollution ConstituentsBrent A. Coull et al.
Part 2. Development of Enhanced Statistical Methods for Assessing Health Effects Associated with an Unknown Number of Major Sources of Multiple Air Pollutants. Eun Sug Park et al. 

Update Spring 2015

Health Effects Institute

Contents: HEI's Strategic Plan for 2015–2020 Now Under Way;  Greenbaum Chairs NRC Review of U.S. Climate, Health Assessment; O'Keefe Closes Out Successful Run on Key Air Advisory Committee; Communicating Results - HEI Science Highlighted at EPA Workshops HEI in the News - Wide Audience for ACES Findings; Novel Statistical Methods for Studying Pollutant Mixtures; Journal Spotlights NPACT Studies; Eyes on the Future - HEI Sponsors Meet with Research Committee to Discuss the Path Forward;  Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award Announced

HEI's Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Health Effects Institute
Strategic Plan

HEI has launched its Strategic Plan for Understanding the Health Effects of Air Pollution for the coming five years, guiding HEI’s direction based on extensive input from sponsors, the scientific community, environmental organizations, and others. The Plan seeks to produce timely and credible science to inform key decisions with one overarching theme: informing decisions on air quality and on climate-driven technology for 2015-2020…and beyond.

Update Winter 2015

Health Effects Institute

Contents: Major Report on Newest Diesel Engines - No Evidence of Lung Cancer in Rats after Lifetime Exposure to New-Technology Diesel Exhaust; Sign Up Now for HEI's Annual Conference 2015 in Philadelphia in May; Nominations for Committee Membership Invited; Progress on Strategic Research Plan for Oil and Gas; Better Air Quality Meeting in Sri Lanka

Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES): Lifetime Cancer and Non-Cancer Assessment in Rats Exposed to New-Technology Diesel Exhaust

Jacob D McDonald
Jeffrey C Bemis
Lance M Hallberg
Daniel J Conklin
Research Report 184

This report describes four studies conducted as a single phase (Phase 3B) of HEI's Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES) program, which was designed to evaluate the emissions and health changes resulting from substantially improved diesel engines required under the U.S. EPA 2007–2010 Heavy Duty Diesel Rule. These studies were conducted by Drs. Jacob D. McDonald of the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jeffrey C. Bemis of Litron Laboratories, Rochester, New York, Lance M. Hallberg of the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, and Daniel J. Conklin, University of Louisville, Kentucky.

Synergistic Effects of Particulate Matter and Substrate Stiffness on Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition

Thomas H Barker
Marilyn M Dysart
Ashley C Brown
Alison M Douglas
Vincent F Fiore
Armistead (Ted) G Russell
Research Report 182

This report is a study focused on lung tissue repair processes after inflammation and injury resulting from exposure to particulate matter (PM) from combustion sources. Dr. Thomas H. Barker of Georgia Institute of Technology, a recipient of HEI's Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award, and his colleagues tested the hypotheses that alveolar epithelial cells grown on substrates of increasing stiffness would transition to mesenchymal cells — an early step along the pathway to fibrosis — and that the addition of fine PM would enhance these effects.

Update Fall 2014

Health Effects Institute

Contents: Setting a Course for 2020: The HEI Strategic Plan; RFA Seeks New Epidemiologic Studies; HEI Launches New International Project // Group of Experts Will Estimate Global Burden of Disease from Specific Major Air Pollution Sources; Communicating Results of Research; How PM May Affect Epithelial Cell Differentiation; Progress on Major Ozone Study; Panel Tours Gas Well Sites

Update Summer 2014

Health Effects Institute

Contents: Conference Eyes Future of Air Pollution Research, Policy; Leading Health Expert to Chair Review Committee; Workshop on Unconventional Oil and Gas Development; Developing New Models for Ultrafine Particles and Air Toxics Exposures; Sharing Insight from NPACT Setting Research Priorities (Research Planning Meeting); HEI in the News; HEI Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Taking Shape

Development and Application of an Aerosol Screening Model for Size-Resolved Urban Aerosols

Charles O Stanier
Sang-Rin Lee
Research Report 179

This report describes a study in which a model to simulate the dispersion of ultrafine particles near roadways was developed and tested. Understanding what happens to ultrafines near roadways – and how that influences exposure – is a key area that HEI's Perspectives 3 on ultrafines (2013) identified. Dr. Charles Stanier at the University of Iowa–Iowa City, a recipient of HEI's Walter A.

Personal Exposure to Mixtures of Volatile Organic Compounds: Modeling and Further Analysis of the RIOPA Data

Stuart Batterman
Feng-Chiao Su
Shi Li
Bhramar Mukherjee
Chunrong Jia
Research Report 181

This report describes a study to identify factors that influence exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and VOC mixtures. Dr. Stuart Batterman at the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor and colleagues used the extensive data that HEI posted on the Web from the Relationships of Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air (RIOPA) study (HEI Research Report 130 Parts I and II), and data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), to characterize exposure distributions for 15 VOCs, with an emphasis on high concentrations. Factors examined included geographic location, weather, characteristics of participants' homes, and specific activities, such as pumping gas.