
Save the date! HEI’s 2024 Annual Conference will be held April 28-30 in Philadelphia. More information will be posted in early 2024. 

Past Meetings

Early-Career Training on Air Pollution and Health

The Health Effects Institute (HEI), the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), and the Collaborative for Air Pollution and Health Effects Research—India (CAPHER-India) are organizing a training programme on methods and approaches for air pollution and health research at ICIMOD between August 12-14, 2024. 

Health Effects Institute Annual Conference 2024

Thank you to all who attended our 2024 conference in Philadelphia, we hope to see you next year in Austin, Texas from Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6.

This year’s conference was held at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel from Sunday, April 28 - Tuesday, April 30. The conference was a great opportunity to hear from air pollution experts from around the world and connect with friends, peers, and colleagues.

Webinar Series on Air Pollution and Health in East Africa

September 2023 to January 2024


Countries in East Africa experience high levels of air pollution as well as significant health impacts from both outdoor and household air pollution. There is a strong demand for data and evidence on air pollution levels and impacts on health and well-being; several efforts are underway to expand air quality monitoring and bolster local capacity to generate data and evidence.

Brussels Meeting on Air Pollution and Health: Taking stock of the proposed revision to the Ambient Air Quality Directive.

This meeting aimed to discuss the recently proposed revisions to the EU Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD), its strengths and weaknesses, identified remaining challenges and explored additional policy options.

Health Effects Institute Annual Conference 2023

The HEI Annual Conference 2023 was held from Sunday, April 30, through Tuesday, May 2, at The Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel.

Workshop on air pollution and health in East Africa

The workshop reviewed the status of current data and evidence on air quality and health effects of air pollution in the region and connections to current policy debate and actions. 

Webinar: Leveraging Air Pollution Research Advancements for Environmental Health Policy Decisions

HEI co-hosted a webinar “Leveraging Air Pollution Research Advancements for Environmental Health Policy Decisions” in collaboration with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as part of the White House Year of Evidence for Action. The webinar was held on December 7, 2022 and showcased how researchers can ensure their work is relevant and useful for policy decisions around air pollution exposure and health inequities. In addition to slide presentations, a summary document is available for downloading. 

Workshop: New Science to Inform Environmental Justice

HEI hosted an in-person workshop, “New Science to Inform Environmental Justice,” on October 20–21, 2022, in Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of the workshop was to engage a broad array of EJ stakeholders in identifying priorities, barriers, and solutions to inform HEI’s future efforts in a space where all participants could learn from each other and forge new connections. In addition to slide presentations, a summary document is available for downloading.

Webinar: Health Risks from Low-level Air Pollution Exposure in Canada

In this webinar, HEI will shared the results from its recently published report, Mortality–Air Pollution Associations in Low-Exposure Environments (MAPLE): Phase 2, by Dr. Michael Brauer from The University of British Columbia and his colleagues.

HEI Traffic Review Webinar: Health Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution

In this webinar, HEI presented the findings of its 2022 critical review on the health effects of traffic-related air pollution, which is the largest systematic effort to date to evaluate the epidemiological evidence regarding the associations between long-term exposure to TRAP and selected adverse health outcomes. A video recording and slides from the webinar are available.