HEI Annual Conference 2025

HEI's next Annual Conference will be held on Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown in Austin, Texas.


HEI Communications are vehicles for disseminating the results of feasibility studies, workshop summaries, conference proceedings, and some reviews of the literature.

Communication 19
HEI Household Air Pollution–Ghana Working Group

Communication19 describes a study led by HEI’s Ghana Working Group evaluating the contribution of household air pollution to ambient fine particle air pollution in Ghana, as well as its impact on health.

Communication 18
HEI Household Air Pollution Working Group

Communication 18 provides a critical assessment of the state of the science examining the linkages between household air pollution formed by the burning of solid fuels and noncommunicable diseases. The report updates previous systematic reviews with the most recent studies. It answers fundamental questions on the scientific basis for estimating health burden and what the evidence suggests about the exposure reductions necessary to achieve improved health outcomes. The Summary for Policy Makers, based on Communication 18, presents the main conclusions about exposures to household air pollution and about its contribution to noncommunicable diseases globally.

Communication - ACES
Health Effects Institute

This Executive Summary of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES) summarizes the main findings of emissions and health testing of new-technology heavy-duty diesel engines capable of meeting US 2007/2010 and EURO VI/6 diesel emissions standards. The results demonstrated the dramatic improvements in emissions and the absence of any significant health effects (especially cancer). ACES was the most comprehensive examination done to date of engines meeting the US 2007 and 2010 on-road standards.

Communication 17
Joe L Mauderly
Jacob D McDonald
Communication 17 describes Phase 3A of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES) to test emissions and health effects of emissions from 2007- and 2010-compliant diesel engines. The Communication contains results from the characterization of exposure atmospheres by Drs. Joe Mauderly and Jake McDonald at the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in advance of the start of animal toxicity testing in ACES Phase 3B. It provides important background information on the emissions from one selected 2007-compliant engine and their concentrations in the animal exposure chambers.

This report reviews new vehicle fuels and technologies that are likely to be commercially available within the next 10 years in the United States and other industrialized countries at a level that could result in significant population exposure. It highlights expected changes in emissions and other effects from the use of each technology and fuel, along with any life-cycle and regulatory issues.

Communication 15
Health Effects Institute

Communication 15, Proceedings of an HEI Workshop on Further Research to Assess the Health Impacts of Actions Taken to Improve Air Quality, summarizes the findings of a workshop held in December 2009 that reviewed the current state of research to evaluate the impact of air quality interventions (also known as accountability or air quality outcomes research).

Communication 14
Annemoon M van Erp
Aaron J Cohen

Communication 14, HEI's Research Program on the Impact of Actions to Improve Air Quality: Interim Evaluation and Future Directions, provides an overview of progress to date in HEI's Accountability program by evaluating nine studies that HEI has funded to assess actions that improve air quality. HEI's Accountability Research Program was initiated to assess the extent to which the predicted health benefits of new regulations have occurred.

Communication 13
Health Effects Institute

The September issue of Environmental Health Perspectives published the first systematic presentation of the HEI-funded PAPA studies in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Wuhan, as well as a combined analysis and accompanying editorial. These articles have been reprinted and are currently available as HEI Communication 13. The detailed studies and accompanying HEI commentaries will be published by the Institute this spring.

Communication 12
Scott L Zeger
Aidan McDermott
Francesca Dominici
Roger D. Peng
Jonathan Samet

HEI Communication 12 describes a project by Dr Scott Zeger and colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health that was funded by HEI to make data and software from the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) available to the wider research and policy communities. This Communication contains the Project Report, which describes the Internet-Based Health and Air Pollution Surveillance System (iHAPSS), along with Comments from some members of the HEI Health Research and Review Committees and other experts who had used the data.

Communication 11
Health Effects Institute

A document from the HEI Accountability Working Group. Evaluating the extent to which air quality regulations improve public health is part of a broad effort—termed accountability—to assess the performance of all environmental regulatory policies. Communication 11 sets out a conceptual framework for accountability research and identifies types of evidence required and methods by which the evidence can be obtained.