Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.

Annual Report 2021

Fresh Faces, New Vision

We are living in a time of extraordinarily fast change. To make informed choices in response to these changes, communities, governments, and businesses need reliable information on current conditions, what the future may hold, and what decisions are likely to lead to the best outcomes. HEI builds strong connections between individuals and organizations to generate science that everyone can trust.

A Message from Our New Board Chair, Richard Meserve

HEI is adapting to provide science that meets the evolving needs of society and our sponsors in a changing world. Read more

Thank You to Our Peer Reviewers in 2021

HEI thanks all the experts who offered their time and expertise, and provided thoughtful and high-quality comments and feedback on research applications as well as final reports. Read more

Section Overview


Amid a global pandemic, climate change, and dramatic technological advances, find out how HEI helps inform the critical decisions that will shape our future. Read more


Bringing people together is integral to our mission. Learn how we are expanding our commitment to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of environmental health as well as within our organization. Read more

Our Financials

Get details on our annual expenditures and funding support from government, industry, and foundation sponsors. Read more


As communities change the way they live, work, and move, where is air quality headed? See how our science sheds light on policies and priorities. Read more


HEI plays a leading role in improving knowledge and capacity to understand and address pressing air quality issues around the world. Read more

Trusted Science for a Changing World

We are living in a time of extraordinarily fast change. A global pandemic continues to disrupt our lives and our economies. Technology is advancing rapidly in our cities, homes, and workplaces. Industrial development, migration, and demographic shifts are reshaping societies around the world. And the changes in our climate and environment grow more apparent with each passing season.

Changes are driven by choices. To make choices that are guided by the best information available, communities, governments, and businesses need reliable information on what is happening today, what the future may hold, and what decisions are likely to lead to the best outcomes. The best decisions are made when we understand what has worked—and what has not—in the past.

Through our mission to produce high-quality scientific research and data on the most pressing air quality and health questions, HEI informs the critical decisions that will help shape a clean air future.

Two scientists working in a lab wearing lab coats


Pollution and the Pandemic

As we learn more about how the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads through the air and infects our bodies, scientists and the public have become increasingly aware of the intricate interactions between our environment and our health. Could exposure to air pollution help explain why some individuals are more severely affected by COVID-19 than others? Could the unprecedented policy measures taken to control the pandemic affect air pollution and its health impacts?

To answer these questions, HEI launched five new studies after a rigorous competition. In an analysis of trends in the United States, China, Germany, and Italy, Kai Chen of Yale University will evaluate whether pandemic lockdowns have led to improvements in air quality, and whether such changes are linked with lower mortality rates apart from the increased numbers of deaths caused by COVID-19. Four other studies will examine interactions between air pollution exposure and susceptibility to COVID-19 infection and various outcomes. These researchers are focusing on a range of geographic locations, including New York City (Jeanette Stingone, Columbia University), Southern California (Michael Kleeman, University of California, Davis), Denmark (Zorana Anderson, University of Copenhagen), and Catalonia, Spain (Cathryn Tonne, ISGlobal).

A Focus on Fires

In North America and around the world, record-breaking wildfire seasons have brought the dangers of fire to the forefront. Beyond immediate threats from the blazes, soot generated by fires can affect air quality and health hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Two new HEI-funded studies are examining the health effects associated with smoke from wildland fires and agricultural burning.

Michelle Bell of Yale University will lead a study on the potential relationship between adverse birth outcomes and exposure to particulate matter from Australian wildfires. Bell and colleagues in the United States and Australia plan to assess potential disproportionate effects on sensitive populations. They will also make their emissions inventory and modeling of the wildfire smoke exposures available publicly.

Mehmet Talat Odman of the Georgia Institute of Technology will examine whether prescribed and agricultural burning in the southeastern United States might be associated with increased emergency department visits related to smoke exposure. The team will test air pollution contributions from intentional burning versus other sources and provide data for comparing agricultural burning effects with effects of wildfire burning being investigated in other studies.

Probing Climate Connections

Climate change is intricately linked to air quality and health. Rising temperatures could, for example, lead to higher ozone concentrations, while drier conditions can increase wildfires that generate particulate matter pollution. At the same time, black carbon particles, ozone, and other air pollutants can exacerbate climate change. In a virtual session conducted as part of HEI’s 2021 Annual Conference, leading scientists considered what is known about these important interactions, how regulations that target air pollutants can benefit the climate and vice versa, and the potential for unequal exposures and impacts across communities.

Presenters reviewed strong evidence that reducing fossil fuel emissions would help counteract the upward trajectory of deaths that can be attributed to air pollution and curb climate change. They also explored extreme heat as a critical nexus between climate and health that disproportionately affects Black and indigenous populations and other people of color. Speakers highlighted methods to evaluate how the potential health gains of decarbonization strategies stack up against the costs of implementing them. They also discussed how the distribution of costs and benefits could alleviate—or worsen—the impacts of emissions in disadvantaged communities.

Wind turbines and a solar panel installed on a grassy field with a blue skies across the horizon

Wild fire over a mountainous evergreen terrain

Masked pedestrians walking on a broad sidewalk

Through our mission to produce high-quality scientific research and data on the most pressing air quality and heath questions, HEI informs the critical decisions that will help shape a clean air future.

Reaching New Audiences in a New Time

Building strong connections between individuals and organizations is integral to HEI’s goal of generating trusted information. We bring experts together through rigorous science, we advance research on topics selected based on shared priorities, and we cultivate a robust network of stakeholders dedicated to informing wise decisions about air quality and health.

Perhaps most tangibly, we bring people together through our Annual Conference. This springtime event has long stood as a centerpiece of our role as a convener of colleagues across academia, industry, government, and community groups. Over the years, the conference has grown into a go-to source for the latest scientific insights and stimulating discussions on air pollution, health impacts, and public policy.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we gather, it has also underscored the urgency and importance of coming together to exchange timely information and guide science-based decisions. We remain steadfast in our commitment to continuing and enhancing HEI’s service as a convener—whether virtually or in person.

Person sitting at a desk taking a video conferencing call


Annual Conference Goes Virtual

In 2020, in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision became clear: HEI’s Annual Conference scheduled for that spring would need to go virtual. HEI staff were already well-practiced at conversing through computer screens, but the conference, which typically involves hundreds of participants, was another level. Would people attend? Could a virtual platform support the lively discussions our community wants and expects?

Ultimately, the virtual event was a striking success. Organized as a series of webinars, it not only attracted more attendees than any previous HEI conference but also welcomed a greater diversity of participants. The same was true in 2021, when HEI’s second virtual conference drew 1,200 attendees from 76 countries across five continents.

In April and May 2021, the series kicked off with a session on climate change, air quality, and health. More than 550 viewers attended. Later sessions featured community-centered environmental health research, global air quality policy and decision-making, the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to air pollution, methods for synthesizing evidence across studies, non-tailpipe emissions, and health effects of low levels of air pollution exposure (at or below current air quality standards in the United States).

Teacher standing at the front of a class of students sitting at desks with raised hands

Building a More Diverse and Inclusive HEI

To understand air pollution and its associated health effects requires attention to the fact that pollution exposures and its effects are unequally distributed throughout society. The groups of people who face the highest exposures and the most severe health effects are the same groups who have suffered marginalization and disparities in many other aspects of life.

Addressing these inequities requires science, and it requires action. At HEI, we are renewing our focus on uncovering health disparities and their drivers through our air quality research programs. For example, a recent study by Ying-Ying Meng of the University of California, Los Angeles, shed much-needed light on the health effects of living near freeways and the potential for reducing exposure. The study cohort included participants in Medi-Cal, California’s healthcare program for low-income individuals. Other ongoing studies seek to uncover how different factors influence people’s vulnerability to both air pollution and COVID-19, particularly in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

At the same time, we are expanding our ongoing commitment to promote diversity and inclusion within our organization and in the field of environmental health overall. Scientific institutions, including HEI, have contributed, even if unconsciously, to the development and perpetuation of an exclusive environment, and it is imperative that we work proactively to create broader inclusivity. HEI’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force works with leadership to implement steps, defined in our Action Plan to Promote Inclusion, for ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all. As part of our commitment, we are further enhancing efforts to diversify our staff, Board of Directors, and expert committees, as well as the researchers we fund and the speakers who participate in our events. We are also investigating ways to support opportunities for career development through travel awards or internships for students in sciences relevant to air pollution and health.

Audience crowd at poster tour

The Changing Face of Transportation

Five decades ago, the United States began a process to clean up the air by controlling emissions from motor vehicles. Standards for vehicles and fuels are in large part responsible for the significantly cleaner air we enjoy today. Yet although each vehicle emits less pollution, the number of vehicle miles driven has increased markedly. As a result, vehicles remain key contributors to air pollutionꟷand the job of achieving clean transportation is not yet complete.

Recent years have also brought drastic changes in how people move. Although personally owned internal combustion vehicles remain dominant overall, technological advances are enabling a vast array of new options for getting around. Electric vehicles and self-driving technologies are becoming increasingly available, and ride-hailing and ride-sharing services continue to gain popularity. Electric bikes and scooters are available in many cities, which are also incorporating more infrastructure to support pedestrians and cyclists. Mass transit is changing, too, with an increasing emphasis on light rail and electric buses. Despite these trends, however, traffic congestion remains a key issue in many places. A recent increase in last-mile goods delivery has brought more light-duty trucks and vans into urban and residential areas, further exacerbating the challenges.

With all these changes, where is air quality headed? Which changes will stick, and what new trends might emerge? The decisions made in the business world and at local, state, and federal levels of government will have implications many years into the future. Yet uncertainties surrounding consumer acceptance, economic trends, and technology development make it challenging to predict what the future transportation landscape will hold. To help untangle these complex questions, HEI supports research and convenes stakeholders to advance understanding of the changing face of transportation—and what it means for our air.

Line of white electric cars each charging up


A Multifaceted Look at Traffic

Living near a busy roadway can increase a person’s risk of premature death, particularly from causes related to heart disease. This connection is supported by initial findings in HEI’s forthcoming report, Systematic Literature Review on the Health Effects of Long-term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution. The review also finds moderate to high confidence in the link between exposure to traffic pollution and lung cancer deaths, new-onset asthma, and acute lower respiratory infections in children. The findings of the review, which will be finalized in mid-2022, underscore the ongoing public health concern posed by air pollution from combustion-engine vehicles.

Scientists and policy makers are also increasingly aware that the health effects of traffic extend far beyond tailpipe emissions. Three ongoing HEI-funded studies are investigating factors such as noise, stress, socioeconomic status, and green space in addition to common traffic-related air pollutants. The studies focus on children’s health in Southern California (Meredith Franklin, University of Southern California), pregnancy outcomes in Spain (Payam Dadvand and Jordi Sunyer, ISGlobal), and health outcomes among Danish adults (Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Danish Cancer Society Research Center).

Understanding Policy Impacts

Accountability studies are crucial for understanding which policies are most effective for achieving intended improvements in air quality and health outcomes. In HEI Research Report 205, released in 2021, researcher Ying-Ying Meng and colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles, examined the effects of a series of actions aimed at reducing air pollution from the movement of goods in Southern California. Their results provide evidence that regulatory actions to decrease emissions from goods movement around major ports and freeways might bring health benefits for disadvantaged communities nearby.  

A new study launched this year will explore the effects of policies targeting motor vehicle emissions and electricity generation in Atlanta, New York City, and Los Angeles. Researchers Stefanie Ebelt, Emory University, and David Rich, University of Rochester Medical Center, will lead the study to assess impacts of policies on particulate matter pollution and health in those cities, which have different air pollution contributions from the traffic and energy sectors.

Docked cargo ships filled with stacked freight containers

Convening Across Disciplines

Transportation is a topic that spans multiple disciplines and many sectors of society. As a result, collaboration is essential to understanding trends and informing decisions. To support a productive dialogue, HEI President Dan Greenbaum served as chair for the organizing committee of a workshop of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that brought together stakeholders from academia, industry, and government. The workshop, “How We Move Matters: Exploring the Connections between New Transportation and Mobility Options and Environmental Health,” offered a provocative look at critical issues at the intersection of transportation and health and provided a forum for envisioning future directions.

Row of locked bikes on a rainy London street

Global Health Is Public Health

From the tiny infant issuing a first cry to a world leader crafting a vision for the future, we all breathe the same air. In our increasingly connected world, global health is public health, and the actions we take as individuals and nations can have far-reaching effects. HEI plays a leading role in improving knowledge and capacity to address pressing air quality issues around the world.

Doctor with a young patient in Africa


A Global View

Having global-scale insights on pollution sources, exposures, and health effects is vital to informing priorities and guiding effective responses. The State of Global Air, a collaboration between HEI and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation with expert input from the University of British Columbia, offers an annual snapshot of pollution and health trends around the world, based on data from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. The State of Global Air 2020 report provided key findings on the toll of ambient particulate matter, ozone, and household air pollution, attracting widespread interest and media coverage.

To dig deeper into the evolving sources of air pollution worldwide, HEI supported a project in 195 countries and territories to estimate the contributions of various source sectors (such as coal and traffic) to the global disease burden from exposure to ambient particulate matter from those sources. Researchers Erin McDuffie and Randall Martin of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, Michael Brauer at The University of British Columbia, Canada, and their colleagues conducted the research as part of the GBD Major Air Pollution Sources (GBD MAPS) project. A new HEI report presents their results, which are informing work at the United Nations Environment Program, the Clean Cooking Alliance, and governments around the world.

HEI is also supporting work by George Washington University’s Susan Anenberg to improve methods for estimating global nitrogen dioxide emissions and exposures, and document effects on asthma in children for inclusion in the upcoming release of Global Burden of Disease results.

Strengthening Capacity in Asia

HEI is dedicated to leveraging its decades of experience leading impactful science to build research capacity in regions around the world. HEI has made important strides in Asia, which sees some of the world’s highest air pollution burdens. In 2021, the Collaborative for Air Pollution and Health Effects Research (CAPHER-India), based at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, got underway with leadership from Randeep Guleria. HEI was instrumental in CAPHER-India’s establishment and has now launched a search for qualified investigators with the goal of funding research studies in India.

HEI staff members have also continued to contribute to meetings and events across South Asia. HEI scientists Pallavi Pant and Katy Walker developed a commentary for a policy brief by the Collaborative Clean Air Policy Centre that examined strategies to communicate information about a possible link between air pollution and susceptibility to COVID-19 in India. Pant, along with HEI President Dan Greenbaum, also spoke at the India Clean Air Summit 2021, and Greenbaum spoke at a WWF-India webinar on air pollution and climate change.

State of the Science in Southeast Europe

Despite substantial progress in curbing air pollution in Western Europe, particulate matter pollution is consistently higher in Southeast Europe. HEI is working with local experts to review current evidence on the health effects of this pollution and how it links to ongoing policy debates in this region. Also, HEI held a workshop where participants examined health effects of ambient air pollution in the region, progress in research methods, and the best ways to use data to inform policy making. The workshop was co-hosted with the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology−Europe, the European Respiratory Society, and the Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Global Air map shows population-weighted annual average PM2.5 concentrations in 2019

Interactive State of Global Air map shows population-weighted annual average PM2.5 concentrations in 2019.

Wood cookstove

Smokes stacks against an evening sky

Masked nurse prepping syringe

Pollution Is Personal

Air pollution exposure affects our health even before we take our first breath. In its 2020 assessment of global pollution burdens, the State of Global Air project presented the first-ever comprehensive estimates of the link between air pollution and pregnancy outcomes and health of newborns. The report found that nearly 500,000 newborns died in 2019 as a result of air pollution exposure, with household air pollution accounting for most of these worldwide deaths. A video released alongside the report puts into stark relief the toll on air pollution’s youngest victims.

Financial Summary 2020-2021

Statements of Financial Position

Assets June 30, 2021 June 30, 2020
Cash and cash equivalents $6,089,019 $6,984,309
Restricted cash 147,962 147,838
Contributions receivable 1,645,968 1,125,904
Unbilled incurred costs on grants 4,504,834 1,369,180
Prepaid expenses 84,841 126,131
Office equipment, office furniture and fixtures, and leasehold improvements, net 54,097 73,097
Total Assets $12,526,721 $9,826,459
Liabilities and Net Assets    
Contracted research payables $447,471 $322,063
Accrued contracted research 1,934,203 1,493,603
Deferred rent payable 51,185 59,084
Other accounts payable and accruals  1,070,663 637,240
Total liabilities 3,503,522 2,511,990
Net Assets:    
Without donor restrictions 656,243 616,506
With donor restrictions 8,366,956 6,697,963
Total net assets 9,023,199 7,314,469
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $12,526,721 $9,826,459

Statements of Activities

  June 30, 2021 June 30, 2020
Revenues and support:    
EPA grants for the Health Effects of Air Pollution Program $5,950,844 $2,953,933
EPA contracts for Energy Research 651,100 537,944
Other industry contributions 5,161,046 5,327,001
Other non-federal grant and contract revenue 678,918 740,126
Other revenues 39,737 241
Total revenues and support $12,481,645 $9,559,245
Research programs:    
Research studies 4,687,594 3,504,941
Research planning and study selection 618,614 497,873
Scientific study management 276,929 198,562
Scientific study review 285,174 261,988
Scientific publication and communication 858,358 983,426
  $6,726,669 $5,446,790
Special Scientific projects:    
Energy research 655,620 777,527
Traffic studies review 459,428 427,040
Global health science 992,904 941,744
  2,107,952 2,146,311
Total research and scientific expense 8,834,621 7,593,101
Administration 1,938,294 1,747,055
Total expenses 10,772,915 9,340,156
Net increase in net assets 1,708,730 219,089
Net assets at beginning of year 7,314,469 7,095,380
Net assets at end of year $9,023,199 $7,314,469

The HEI Financial Statement and the Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. Auditors’ Report may be obtained by contacting Jacqueline C. Rutledge.

HEI made significant progress in fiscal year 2021 toward the objectives of the Health Effects of Air Pollution program with ongoing research on possible health effects from low levels of exposure and examining the potential effects of traffic exposure in its broader context. We have also made progress in expanding our efforts in Global Health Science. These activities were made possible by funding from our core government and industry partners with additional funding from government, industry, and foundation sponsors. Separate funding has also allowed us to move forward with our Energy Research Program. The significant balance in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets ensures we will have funds to continue and expand our current targeted research initiatives in future years.

Fresh Faces, New Vision
A Message from the Chair

Richard Meserve Headshot

Richard A. Meserve, Chair, HEI Board of Directors

It is often said that the only constant in life is change. That maxim is evident in the events of 2021, with a global pandemic driving new attention to public health and a growing focus on climate change as the major challenge facing society. It is therefore appropriate that the theme of this year’s annual report is change and how HEI is adapting to it to provide science that meets the evolving needs of society and our sponsors in a changing world.

The climate-driven energy transition is producing profound changes in technology and fuels in transport and other major sectors, with implications for both legacy and emerging technologies and their health and environmental impacts.

While internal combustion engines still power the vast majority of new and in-use vehicles, and will for some time to come, electrification of the light duty fleet is growing rapidly, and a host of new technologies, including hydrogen-fueled vehicles, are competing to power emerging heavy duty fleets. These changes, combined with growing calls to decarbonize all sectors of society, are reshaping energy production and use around the world. The energy transition, particularly at the intersection of transportation and energy production, raises new and important questions about the health and other consequences of new fuels and technologies along their entire production, use, and disposal pathways. This change demands the development of an understanding of those impacts relative to fossil fuel combustion and to each other.
As this annual report illustrates, HEI has been active in producing new research on the health impacts posed by legacy air pollution sources, even as it evolves to understand and address new fuels and technologies. HEI’s major new studies on the health effects of extremely low levels of air pollution from all sources are directly relevant to informing regulatory decisions in the United States and Europe. Our research and companion systematic review of the health impacts of traffic will provide a deeper understanding of the broader health impacts of traffic in all its forms. And our Accountability Program is measuring the health benefits of environmental regulations to help document progress on clean air and identify tested solutions. We continue to pursue this science with the credibility of a trusted bipartisan industry–government partnership, a partnership that is all too rare today.

Pedestrians crowded together on a broad sidewalk

Change is no stranger to HEI itself as well. After 20 years of outstanding service as Chair of the HEI Board, Dick Celeste has stepped down. We owe Dick a debt of gratitude for his many contributions. I am excited and privileged to take on the responsibility of the Chair and to help lead HEI forward together with its outstanding Board. The Board is also changing to meet future challenges; we are joined by two globally respected new members: Dr. Karen Seto, a leading expert on urbanization, and Dr. Catherine Ross, a widely recognized expert on transport and urban planning.

We also recognize the significant racial and economic inequities that exist in society, inequities that HEI’s own research clearly documents. In response, HEI bears an important responsibility to increase the breadth of diversity, equity, and inclusion across all aspects of the Institute’s operation. HEI has taken steps in partnership with our Diversity Task Force to enhance the diversity of our staff, Committees, and Board, as well as the researchers we fund and the speakers in our events.  We are also working to ensure a safe and welcoming environment at HEI more broadly and will continue to expand these efforts in the years ahead.

In closing, and not for the last time, I want to thank the many sponsors who make HEI possible.

I look forward to meeting many of you in person in the coming months, and I would be pleased to hear from you at any time as my virtual door at HEI is always open.



Richard A. Meserve
Chair, HEI Board of Directors


Thank You to Our Peer Reviewers in 2021

We would like to thank all the experts who offered their time and expertise to HEI and provided thoughtful and high-quality comments and feedback on our various projects. We also thank our quality assurance audit teams, our Research Committee, Review Committee, Global Health Oversight Committee, and the Traffic Literature Review Panel. We would not succeed without the help of all these individuals.

Core Program

Aaron van Donkelaar, Dalhousie University, Canada

Alexandra Schmidt, McGill University, Canada

Alison Elder, University of Rochester Medical Center, USA

Alvaro Osornio-Vargas, University of Alberta, Canada

Amanda Pappin, Health Canada, Canada

Ander Wilson, Colorado State University, USA

Annette Peters, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany

Arlene Fiore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Benjamin Barratt, Imperial College London, USA

Bert Brunekreef, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Brian Reich, NC State University, USA

Chad R. Bailey, USEPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, USA

Chris Fook Sheng Ng, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Chris Paciorek, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Curtis Huttenhower, Harvard University, USA

David Carslaw, University of York, UK

David E. Foster, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA

David Jacobs, University of Minnesota, USA

David Stieb, Health Canada, Canada

Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, University of Rochester Medical Center, USA

Deborah A. Lawlor, Bristol Medical School, UK

Edward F. Fitzgerald, University at Albany, USA

Elena Colicino, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA

Eric Lavigne, Health Canada, Canada

Erika Garcia, University of Southern California, USA

Errol Thomson, Health Canada, Canada

Fan Li, Duke University, USA

Flemming Cassee, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands

Francesco Forastiere, Imperial College London, UK

Gavin Shaddick, University of Exeter, UK

Giuseppe Squadrito, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Grant Williamson, University of Tasmania, Australia

Haneen Khreis, University of Cambridge, UK

Heresh Amini, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Jason West, University of North Carolina, USA

Jay Turner, Washington University in St. Louis, USA

Jennifer Therkorn, VA New Jersey Health Care, USA

Jennifer Vanos, Arizona State University, USA

Jim Zhang, Duke University, USA

John Gulliver, University of Leicester, UK

John L. Pearce, Medical University of South Carolina, USA

Joshua Keller, Colorado State University, USA

Jouni J.K. Jaakkola, Center for Environmental and Respiratory Health Research, Finland

Junfeng Zhang, Duke University, USA

Kofi Amegah, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

Lauren Pinault, Statistics Canada, Canada

Linda Valeri, Columbia University, USA

Marc Weisskopf, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA

Marianne Hatzopoulou, University of Toronto, Canada

Marianthi Kioumourtzoglou, Columbia University, USA

Marie Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Mark Frampton, MD. University of Rochester Medical Center, USA

Mark Miller, Queens Medical Research Institute, UK

Markey Johnson, Health Canada, Canada

Marloes Eeftens, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland

Massimo Stafoggia, Lazio Region Health Service, Italy

Megan Horton, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA

Michael Jerrett, University of California, Los Angeles

Michael Kleeman, University of California, Davis

Michela Baccini, University of Florence, Italy

Michelle Bell, Yale University, USA

Mònica Guxens, Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Spain

Neil Pearce, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK

Nick Molden, Stokenchurch, UK

Paul Villeneuve, Carleton University, Canada

Perry Hystad, Oregon State University, USA

Recai Yucel, Temple University, USA

Reginald Quansah, University of Ghana, Ghana

Sadeer Al-Kindi, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA

Sandrah Proctor Eckel, University of Southern California, USA

Sara De Matteis, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Sarah Henderson, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Canada

Scott Weichenthal, McGill University, Canada

Sina Hasheminassab, South Coast Air Quality Management District, USA

Sun-Young Kim, National Cancer Center, Republic of Korea

Susan Norris, Oregon Health & Science University, USA

Suzanne Bartington, University of Birmingham, UK

Sverre Vedal, University of Washington, USA

Yuxuan Wang, University of Houston, Texas, USA

Global Program

Angel Dzhambov, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

C. Arden Pope III, Brigham Young University, USA

Eri Saikawa, Emory University, USA

Evangelia Samoli, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Johan Kuylenstierna, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

Katja Džepina, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Michal Krzyzanowski, Imperial College London, UK

Mira Dašić, SEEHN Secretariat, North Macedonia

Mirjana Dimovska, National Institute of Public Health, Skopje, North Macedonia

Nataša Dragic, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

Pierpaolo Mudu, World Health Organization, Germany

Shuxiao Wang, Tsinghua University, China

Vlatka Matković, Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Belgium