Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 2. Effects of Personal and Ambient Concentrations of Ozone and Other Pollutants on Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function

Research Report 192, Part 2,

Research Report 192, Part 2, describes the second part of the Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES), led by Drs. David Rich and Mark Frampton of the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York.

Part 1 of MOSES, Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Ozone on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes, was published in 2017. In Part 1, the investigators and their colleagues found that controlled ozone exposure at concentrations similar to the current U.S. air quality standard was not associated with changes in cardiovascular endpoints in 87 healthy, older adults, but there were moderate adverse effects on lung function and two markers of lung injury and inflammation.

Part 2 of the MOSES research report presents additional analyses, aimed at evaluating whether the MOSES 1 results were influenced by participants’ exposure to ambient air pollutants up to 4 days prior to the controlled ozone exposures. It also evaluated whether the prior exposures were associated with changes in baseline levels of biomarkers.

All data from the MOSES study are available on Dataverse.
Click here for availability of biological samples and procedures to request them.