Particulate Matter

This page has a list of publications and news articles related to Air Pollution - Particulate Matter. Find more information about our research on Air Pollution.

Fall 2018 Update now available

November 15, 2018

In this issue of Update, read about two important new HEI studies underway; a plan to intensively review and publish initial findings on PM2.5 from our “Low Exposure Levels” research program; our search for investigators to conduct new accountability and exposure assessment research; announcement of the 2018 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award recipient; and more.

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about two important new HEI studies underway; a plan to intensively review and publish initial findings on PM2.5 from our “Low Exposure Levels” research program; our search for investigators to conduct new accountability and exposure assessment research; announcement of the 2018 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award recipient; and more.

HEI is reviewing initial findings from “low exposure levels” research

November 7, 2018

HEI is reviewing the first results from an HEI study that it expects will be relevant to an ongoing review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the federal standard for allowable concentrations of fine particles in the air. The study is one of three comprehensive studies that HEI is funding to examine the possible health effects from exposure to pollutants at low concentrations.

Summer 2018 Update now available

August 22, 2018

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s recent testimony on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule; a recap of the 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois; a new HEI Communication assessing the evidence on health effects from household air pollution; progress in the new Energy Research Program; and more.

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s recent testimony on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule; a recap of the 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois; a new HEI Communication assessing the evidence on health effects from household air pollution; progress in the new Energy Research Program; and more.

Study evaluates metrics of exposure to traffic-related air pollutants in Atlanta

April 23, 2018

Research Report 196, Developing Multipollutant Exposure Indicators of Traffic Pollution: The Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) Study, describes a study by Dr. Jeremy A. Sarnat that evaluated single- and multipollutant metrics of exposure to traffic-related air pollutants near and farther away from a major highway in Atlanta, as well as biological markers in a panel of students.

Research Report 196
Jeremy A Sarnat
Armistead (Ted) G Russell
Donghai Liang
Jennifer L Moutinho
Rachel Golan
Rodney J Weber
Dong Gao
Stefanie Ebelt
Howard H Chang
Roby Greenwald
Tianwei Yu

Research Report 196, Developing Multipollutant Exposure Indicators of Traffic Pollution: The Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) Study, describes a study by Dr. Jeremy A. Sarnat that evaluated single- and multipollutant metrics of exposure to traffic-related air pollutants near and farther away from a major highway in Atlanta, as well as biological markers in a panel of students.

Developing a dynamic 3D exposure model for air pollution in Hong Kong

February 9, 2018

HEI’s Research Report 194, A Dynamic Three-Dimensional Air Pollution Exposure Model for Hong Kong, describes a study led by Benjamin Barratt of King’s College London, United Kingdom, that developed a dynamic three-dimensional land-use regression model for Hong Kong and used it to estimate exposure to traffic-related air pollution.

Research Report 194
Benjamin Barratt
Martha Lee
Paulina Wong
Robert Tang
Tsz Him Tsui
Wei Cheng
Yang Yang
Poh-Chin Lai
Linwei Tian
Thuan-Quoc Thach
Ryan Allen
Michael Brauer

HEI’s Research Report 194 describes a study led by Benjamin Barratt of King’s College London, United Kingdom, that developed a dynamic three-dimensional land-use regression model for Hong Kong and used it to estimate exposure to traffic-related air pollution.

Workshop on major air pollution sources in India

January 25, 2018

In January 2018, HEI held a workshop in new Delhi, India to present the new HEI Special Report 21, Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India. The workshop agenda and presentations are now available.