HEI Annual Conference 2025

HEI's next Annual Conference will be held on Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown in Austin, Texas.

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Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Selected Health Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution

Health Effects Institute
Special Report 23

This comprehensive scientific review examines the evidence for associations between several adverse health effects and traffic-related air pollution (TRAP). The review, the largest of its type to date, was conducted by a panel of 13 renowned experts who evaluated 353 published scientific reports on traffic pollution and related health effects between 1980 and 2019.

Impacts of Vehicle Emission Regulations and Local Congestion Policies on Birth Outcomes Associated with Traffic Air Pollution

Perry Hystad
Mary Willis
Elaine Hill
David Schrank
John Molitor
Andrew Larkin
et al.
Research Report 223

This report presents a study led by Perry Hystad of Oregon State University. Hystad and colleagues examined whether reductions in traffic-related air pollution were associated with improved birth outcomes in Texas from 1996 to 2016.

Cardiometabolic Health Effects of Air Pollution, Noise, Green Space, and Socioeconomic Status: The HERMES Study

Ole Raaschou-Nielsen
Aslak H Poulsen
Matthias Ketzel
Lise M Frohn
Nina Roswall
Ulla A Hvidtfeldt
et al.
Research Report 222

This report presents a study led by Ole Raaschou-Nielsen of the Danish Cancer Institute. The research team investigated four traffic-related air pollutants (fine particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ultrafine particulates, and elemental carbon), noise, and green space in relation to cardiometabolic health in 2.6 million adults in Denmark.

Assessing the National Health, Education, and Air Quality Benefits of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s School Bus Rebate Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial Design

Sara D Adar
Meredith Pedde
Richard Hirth
Adam Szpiro
Research Report 221

This report presents a study led by Sara Adar of the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. Adar and colleagues conducted a thorough accountability study of a program for replacing old diesel school buses with new, lower-emitting buses across the United States.