HEI Annual Conference 2025

HEI's next Annual Conference will be held on Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown in Austin, Texas.

Case-Cohort Study of Styrene Exposure and Ischemic Heart Disease

Research Report 108,

Drs. Matanoski and Tao at Johns Hopkins University examined the relationship between styrene exposure and heart disease in workers in styrene-butadiene polymer manufacturing plants between 1943 and 1982. Workers who had died from ischemic heart disease were compared to a subgroup of all men employed in two styrene-butadiene polymer manufacturing plants during that time. Individual exposure histories were determined from job records, or constructed using a statistical method to estimate exposure when records were missing. This method was based on the assumption that exposure concentrations in all jobs in a plant are normally distributed and that processing methods throughout the rubber industry did not change appreciably during the time under consideration.
