Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.

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Traffic‐related air pollution, lipoproteins, and cardiovascular disease risk in the VITamin D and OmegA‐3 TriaL (VITAL)

Principal Investigator: 

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

This project will leverage an existing randomized control trial of older individuals in the United States to examine the associations of exposure to traffic-related air pollution and incident cardiovascular disease events and biomarkers of cardiovascular health. The investigators will also explore the potential for vitamin D and omega-fatty acid supplementation to modify the associations.


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Abstracts for investigators' posters to be presented at the HEI 2025 Annual Conference will appear on the HEI website in April 2025.