Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.


New experts join HEI's Research and Review Committees

November 15, 2021

HEI’s Board of Directors recently approved the appointments of three distinguished scientists to the Research Committee and two to the Review Committee. In collaboration with HEI staff, these committees perform distinct and independent roles to ensure the quality of HEI’s research: to select and oversee research projects (Research Committee) and critically review results (Review Committee). 

Greenbaum appointed to EPA Clean Air Committee

October 26, 2021

HEI President Dan Greenbaum was appointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC) this fall by EPA Administrator Michael Regan, along with several other new members. The CAAAC is a senior-level policy committee established in 1990 to advise EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation and the broader EPA on issues related to implementing the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

HEI webinar: Informing potential applicants to RFA on non-tailpipe particle emissions

October 8, 2021

HEI will host a webinar on October 19, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:00 am EDT for potential applicants to RFA 21-1, Quantifying Real-World Impacts of Non-Tailpipe Particulate Matter Emissions. This webinar will describe the HEI application process and provide an opportunity to ask questions about the process and requirements. The deadline for Preliminary Applications is January 19, 2022.

HEI issues RFA to study non-tailpipe particle emissions

October 6, 2021

HEI has issued RFA 21-1, Quantifying Real-World Impacts of Non-Tailpipe Particulate Matter Emissions, to study non-tailpipe particulate matter emissions from motor vehicles and their impacts on air quality, human exposure, and human health. The deadline for Preliminary Applications is January 19, 2022.

September 2021 Update now available

September 24, 2021

In this issue of Update, read about a major HEI study in Europe that found evidence of health effects at low levels of air pollution; a new Board Chair; our first-ever Director of Science Communications; steps HEI is taking toward diversity, equity, and inclusion; the launch of new studies on wildfires and the effectiveness of air quality policies, and more. 

HEI study in Europe finds evidence of health effects at lower levels of air pollution

September 15, 2021

A major new HEI report presents a study examining associations between exposures to relatively low levels of air pollution and several health outcomes among participants in 22 European cohorts.