HEI Annual Conference 2025

HEI's next Annual Conference will be held on Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown in Austin, Texas.

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Impacts of Zero-Emission Truck Regulations on Tailpipe and Non-tailpipe Air Pollution Exposures and Health Risks in Southern California Communities

Research Team: 

Assistant Professor, University of Southern California


Associate Professor, University of Southern California


Associate Professor, University of Southern California


Associate Professor, University of Toronto


Project Specialist, University of Southern California

What? Assess the effects of California’s Advanced Clean Trucks and Advanced Clean Fleets regulations on air pollutant exposure and health disparities in Southern California. 
How? Estimate the impact of recently adopted zero-emission truck regulations changes on tailpipe and non-tailpipe pollutant emissions, refine an air quality model to simulate the corresponding changes in air pollutant concentrations, and assess disparities in exposures and health outcomes (mortality and asthma emergency department visits) in freight transport communities in Southern California.
Where: Southern California.

Funded under

We will assess the impact of recently adopted zero-emission truck regulations on health risks in historically marginalized Southern California communities along freight movement corridors. We will develop an integrated modeling and community engagement framework for evaluating the air quality, health, and equity mpacts of California's Advanced Clean Trucks and Advanced Clean Fleets regulations at the neighborhood scale. Specifically, we will utilize newly available transportation big data to create a high- resolution air pollutant emissions inventory, covering tailpipe diesel PM2.5  andNOx, and non-tailpipe brake and tire wear PM2.5 and PM10 emitted from trucks. Using a sophisticated air quality model and established concentration-response functions, we will estimate changes in particulate matter, NOx, and O3 concentrations, associated changes in mortality and morbidity, and monetized health benefits. This study will advance community education and research capacity through collaborative partnerships and the development of interactive educational materials and a data dashboard on goods movement, truck electrification, air quality, and public health.