Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.

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Sherri White-Williamson

Executive Director, Environmental Justice Community Action Network

Sherri is the Executive Director of the Environmental Justice Community Action Network. Before her current position she led environmental justice strategy for the North Carolina Conservation Network (NCCN) where she broadened NCCN’s focus to give voice to impacted communities. Sherri retired from the U.S. EPA, Office of Environmental Justice, where she was Manager of the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice and Designated Federal Officer to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council. In addition to her role with NCCN, Sherri is a member of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board; an Advisory Board member to the Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice; an Adjunct Professor at the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment; and a co-founder of the  Environmental Justice Community Action Network. Sherri holds a Juris Doctor and Master’s of Energy Regulation and Law from Vermont Law School, where she co-founded the Environmental Justice Law Society. She received the Marc Mihaly Environmental Leadership Award in recognition of her commitment to the environment and environmental justice.